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Newark Community High School - School Profile for 2023-2024
Newark Community High School is a public, high-school-only-district located in a rural setting approximately 60 miles west of Chicago, IL. Geographically the district covers approximately 100 square miles. There are five main feeder schools that feed into Newark Community High School. There are currently 176 students enrolled in the high school.
The main source of community income comes from farming. The village of Newark has approximately 900 residents. Most of these residents are middle class families who are blue-collar workers. Sources of income in the community are: local bank, motorcycle/ATV shop, BP station with a Subway restaurant, one local restaurant, post office, insurance agency, small doctor clinic, a pharmacy, Dollar General, ice cream shop, meat market, and a grain elevator.
Newark Community High School students must have 26 credits to graduate from high school, and must complete a senior project presentation. The school has a plethora of technology options for students. The building is wireless, with two computer labs of MAC and Windows based computers, as well as a mobile lab and several mini-labs. The studentto- computer ratio has always been 1:1, and we now have a 1:1 program using Chromebooks and Google Classroom as well. Seniors who qualify may participate in an unpaid internship for either one or two semesters or a co-op program with paid employment. Many juniors job shadow in a field of choice at least once during the year. The highest GPA is a 4.0888 on a 4.0 scale. Courses are taught on modified block schedule, where Monday, Tuesday, and Friday are traditional 8-period days, and Wednesday and Thursday are block days. Only AP courses are weighted when figuring GPA and class rank. We believe all subjects can provide a rigorous curriculum. Therefore, we do not believe in weighting typical academic courses over vocational and fine arts courses. The grading scale is:
89.5 – 100 = A
79.5 – 89 = B
69.5 – 79 = C
59.5 – 69 = D
59 – below = F
We offer seven AP courses. Courses offered every year are AP US History, AP Language & Composition, AP Calculus, AP Spanish, AP Physics. AP courses offered in alternating years are AP Music Theory and AP Studio Art 2-D. We also offer several opportunities to earn dual credit through the local community colleges. Several of our career and technical education courses earn dual credit. The graduation rate is 100%, and approximately 85% of graduating seniors continue their education at either a four-year or two-year institution. The rest either enroll in the military, apply for a union apprenticeship, or move into the workforce.
Additional Information:
For more information, please feel free to visit our website at www.nchs18.org or email the school counselor at mmcanally@nchs18.org.