About Us > Special Programs
Capitol Forum
Capitol Forum
The Capitol Forum program runs on a statewide basis and takes place in the classroom and at the state capitol. The centerpiece of the program takes place in the spring when high school students from 20 schools come to their state capitol as class representatives for an all-day forum. View the complete article.

Newark Community High School students discover who they are, their career interests, and personal pathways through compelling and emotionally engaging digital stories.
View classroom resources.

Kindness Committee
The Kindness Committee is an extension of the of the TALK program. Their motto is "spread kindness like confetti". The Kindness Committee meets regularly to plan ideas for spreading kindness to the whole school.
View webpage.

Senior Project
The senior project is an opportunity for students to identify a topic or essential question of personal interest, to explore that topic, and thoughtfully share an understanding of the subject with others. View Senior Project resources.

Sociology Service Learning
This site was designed to showcase the Sociology's service learning projects at Newark High School. Their teacher, Mr. Mike Hall II, has designed this service learning project to get the students more involved in their community. View the web site.

TALK Program
The TALK program stands for "Teens Activating the Language of Kindness." This is a student lead program aimed to show students that no matter what they are going through, they are not alone. View the complete article.